Who we are
CoachingEra has been founded by Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman in 2013. She channeled in this company her 30+ years experience in leadership, training and mentoring roles in the global corporate world to deliver powerful and meaningful learning.
We are a global network of highly skilled Consultants, Trainers, Master and Professional Coaches who inspire, coach, mentor and train organizations and people to learn how to consistently produce purposeful results in all areas, while maintaining and enhancing their well-being.
We deliver training and coaching services since 2010. We offer customized, highly individualized quality services, because we take pride in valuing quality, not quantity,
We also offer training, mentoring and consulting in International Trade Operations, Credit and Country Risk Management to companies that are willing to export and open new markets in foreign countries. Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman offers her wide expertise developed in the role of International Trade and Operations Manager for the banking system and, since 1987, we support companies in increasing their efficiency in safely and prosperously trading globally.
"The use of coaching continues to increase, also for large swaths of the employee population.
The biggest challenge is creating a coaching culture and implementing a coaching strategy
to move further along the coaching maturity scale."
“We know that effective leadership can change everything.”

What we do
We know that effective leadership can change everything. That’s why we are committed to develop the leaders, teams, and organizations of tomorrow, through a variety of highly tailored customized programs. We help our clients in gaining lasting behavioral changes in order to become inspiring and adaptable leaders and translate brilliant strategy into action.
Our programs are for companies and individuals who are determined to sustain their growth and to allow their success. We train managers to enhance their skills to think strategically and to drive organizational performance.
As a result of our services, more organizations and more people are clear about where they are and where they want to go, and they master the techniques that consistently support them to take steps towards their goals, with increasing fulfillment and satisfaction.
We globally offer our services in different continents in English and Italian. Our training programs are delivered to our clients either locally on-site or at one of our global locations. Our programs are designed as a unique blend of experiential learning, class, and team work, both in presence and in remote.
We are globally recognized as a source of excellence in the field of training and executive coaching as our services support organizations reaching their strategic goals.
We help organizations to train their professionals and managers to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of international trade and operations issues and risks. We help them to assess and enhance their capacity to explore foreign markets and to master both operational and strategic aspects of global trade operations.
"Now a coaching culture means coaching should include middle managers and front-line managers,
because employees at all levels of the organization deserve coaching".
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“We work with clients who want to pioneer and open new paths.”
cristina campofreddo kooijman | founder & director

They say about us
"I worked with CoachingEra and I could appreciate the work of Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman in many professional situations, as a coach, as a trainer, as a consultant. I really like her mental clarity, her empathetic approach, her ability to feel the energies of the people, to find solutions that transform obstacles into opportunities. She really is an excellent professional with whom you can work very well and who is able to make your goals come true."
gianni ferrario - milano (Italy)
"Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman is able to have high performance with a caring attitude. I met her for the ICF Congress 2016 and I was really impressed how she was able to connect organizational level with effective relationships with every speakers in the Congress."
nicoletta cinotti - Genova (italy)
"I was blown away by how effective my coaching experience was with CoachingEra. I came into the session with one goal which I felt was going to be impossible to achieve and after just a few sessions Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman helped me realize concrete results that have changed my business! She is genuinely warm, intuitive, and a great listener.
She really got where I was coming from right away and with such ease.
Her compassion and sincerity is combined with a clear head and objective approach.
Her time management skills and ability to stay true to the session goal is accomplished with an outstanding expertise, while still being caring. This is a feat which I have never before experienced.
Cristina has helped me have a better understanding of how to improve my business and public speaking which by the way I aced! Thank you Cristina."
belinda watkins - cape town (south africa)
"Cristina è un'instancabile lavoratrice appassionata delle persone. Ama condividere ed è sinceramente aperta al confronto pur mantenendo un focus sempre attento sull'obiettivo al quale lavora con dedizione.
Come coach esprime profonda conoscenza della materia basata sull'esperienza pluriennale come formatrice di alto livello e sulla formazione in diverse discipline che, magistralmente fuse, utilizza per offrire il miglior approccio al proprio cliente."
davide melis - cagliari (italy)
"Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman is a great person and a fantastic professional. As a coach, I feel so honored to work and share with her common experiences. And, of course, being touched by her special and creative way of approaching new things. Especially, to open different and efficienct perspectives to achieve every day´s business goals and personal challenges. For me, she is a must! "
monica albuja - madrid (spain)
"I worked with CoachingEra and with Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman. She has a warm and nurturing style. She is very insightful and uses her ability to connect with on an emotional level. Her gift is in being able to hear and experience my concerns at a deeper level than what I may have expressed or articulated openly. This allowed her to challenge my thinking and increase my awareness.
Cristina patiently and effectively helped me define what I wanted for each session. I learned the power of listening and silence. Cristina used both very effectively. Her ability to connect on a heart as well as cerebral level was the most impactful for our engagement. I am more confident and clear about my vision for my practice. Cristina is a collaborative partner who works side-by-side with you to understand both what you are saying and what you are not. She effectively uses her ability to connect cognitively and at a deeper heart level as she supports your discovery and journey towards your desired outcome."
rosalie taylor robinson - dallas (usa)
"Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman is a highly skilled coach, with a more than interesting background experience. She is very enthusiastic about all the projects she is involved. I will also recall that she is very intuitive, a very important feature in the Coach profession."
xavier correa guimera' - gran canaria (spain)
"Cristina's insightful coaching work is a refection of her professional training, as well as her warm and exuberant spirit. Her thoughtful manner lets clients know that she deeply cares about their well-being and transformation."
vicki escude' - usa
"Definirei lo stile di coaching di Cristina Campofreddo Kooijman energetico, intuitivo, potente, orientato ai risultati e allo sviluppo della persona.
Il programma che ho completato con CoachingEra mi ha aiutato a trovare le mie strategie per raggiungere a piccoli passi obiettivi piccoli e grandi. A sostituire vecchi schemi limitanti con nuovi schemi potenzianti. A passare all'azione, per concretizzare i miei sogni. E in questo modo riempirmi sempre più di energia ed entusiasmo e stupirmi di me stessa ogni giorno nel realizzare che la mia vita e la mia professione sono nelle mie mani. Il coaching è stupefacente nella sua efficacia, è rivitalizzante, una carica di energia.
Ho individuato le mie risorse e i miei punti di forza, indispensabili per raggiungere i miei obiettivi. Ho iniziato a credere in me e nel mio potere."
marinella milesi - varese (italy)
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